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Permanent LED Lighting logo

Built by Design

Highest Quality- Plug n Play - Easy to Install-Higher Profits

Why Choose PixelLights as a Installer ?

"PixelLights is Setting a New Standard in Permanent Holiday LED Lighting"

Pixellights is built on quality for a long-lasting system to withstand the Elements. Designed in North America with ETL certified components unlike the rest. A simple low voltage Plug n Play system that is easy for anyone to install without electrical experience. Seeing these other benefits over others will make you proud to install the best with confidence.

PixelLights 24V Controller

PixelLights controller is the most powerful on the market today. It's where the magic happens! It’s the brain of the system, telling each pixel what it should be doing. Control multiple zones within the app with no extra hardware. 

  • one

    Two outputs powers 200 feet each, 400 feet max (no power boosters)

  • two

    24V power supply & Controller-in-one

  • three

    Class 2 system, only uses only 96 watts of power.

  • four

    One plug is all it takes. No power boosters or power induction needed. 

  • Is ETL the same as UL?

    Yes, ETL is a certification standard just like UL and is recognized around the world. PixelLights is a Class 2 system and is extremely safe. You can trust in PixelLights Quality, and high safety standards

    Do your homework and see how many other systems have certifications.

    Controller How-to Guide

    Industries First Commercial Quality Light/Cable 

    PixelLights Built-by-Design has done it again by Implementing

    high grade cable into it lights system. This is done at a extra cost that no other system has done. Used for residential and commerical so you will know that your providing the best system around. 

  • IP67 Waterproof metal threaded connectors, with integrated keyway

  • 24 AWG Communication Cable

  • Anti-UV cable with shielded data wires

  • Lowest profile clip-in light on the market

  • Module Simple Plug-n Play components

    PixelLights low profile clip-in lights fit our custom pre-drilled channel in 6 ft lengths. These channels are easy to manage by one person to screw connector together overlap channel in place and attach with couple screws. 

    Why PixelLights

    Many Channel/Track Options

    Permanent Led lighting experience as an installer needed many styles of channel to fit, look and be part of the arcithectial look of installs. Using materials that have proven to last many years to come. Simple enough to be trimed with tin snips as needed and versatile to work in all applications.

  • one

    4 Channel/Track designs to fit any install

  • two

    Channel materials made from leading metal Industy manufactuers Lifetime Warrenty

  • three

    Pre-drilled easy to work wih 6 ft. lengths

  • four

    Built in Heams for Strength and Duribility

  • Proven Material used in the industry.

    Alunimun factory pre finished metal is pre-drilled and ready for quick install of lights. Install low profile channel by simply two light cable together, put in place attach with couple screws.

    Simple as 1,2,3

    Channel example flyer

    Industry First Smart Splitter, allowing you to maintain control over individual “branches”

    Competitors only mirror the pattern when they crimp data lines together or utilize T/Y connectors.

  • Input, Output and 2 additional “branches”

  • Set the amount of lights per each output, up to 128 for each “branch”

  • Efficiently reach areas such as dormers and peaks. Without needing to loop back to the main run. Saving time and materials

  • Splitter How-to Guide

    How to Guide Available to Download Here

    Industry First Live Preview

    The PixelLights App comes pre-loaded with great patterns and editable to create more, your way. And imagine doing it with your own home preview on the screen. No other app and lights can move like ours. Get Ready to Show Off

  • Apple and Android versions.

  • Create custom patterns and effects Access Web interface to do more

  • Create zones for individual control over different areas of the install. Video below

  • Users Support and Help bubbles inside app

    PixelLights support goes beyond after the install. Within the app the client has access to submit the warrenty form after purchase. Bubble buttons through out the app to help the user if needed. FAQ sections, How to guides, Youtube help, and Warrenty Claim. 

    PixelLights Mobile App Video Guide

    Our mobile App connects to your 2.4 wifi on your network just like many others.  Download the PixelLights app here to get you started.


    Q: What's special about PixelLights app?

    A: PixelLights is our own software that is more expandable and features than any other app on the market.

    Expandable to add and many controllers you wish

    Simple and complex Preset patterns

    Manage multiple zones with any pattern you like 


    Q: Can I customize my PixelLights?

    A: All preset patterns are editable to create your own and rename them to be yours.

    Because it work on a internet browser there are many more downloadable patterns available.

    Easy to Get Started Kits

  • No Fees! Only pay for the products you need

    • Open Market, No Territories. Expand your own team

    Choose which kit fits you best.

    Learn more about PixelLights Kits and recieve our Free How to Guides and files that walk you through the whole system. 

    starter kit
    Learn More

    Kits are expandable for your needs

    pro kit
    Learn More

    Kits are expandable for     your needs 

    demo kitdemo kit
    Learn More

    Only for Qualified Contractors  

    See How Easy PixelLights Installs

    Watch the 2-minute video to learn how easy it is.

    Quick Video 1 Preparation Before Install

    Quick Video 2 Install Channel to Soffit Area

    Quick Video 3 Cutting & Mounting Channel

    Quality by Design



    • Open Market, No Territories. Expand your own team

    Becoming a PixelLights Contractor/Installer Gives you a Huge Advantage Over Independent LED Installers.
    Especially When You Have a Customer Base Already!

    General Contactors

    General contractors get your piece of the action. Sub contractors get yours too. It is not much more work to profit in this growing trend. This will work in all phases of development if it is New Construction, Commercial, or Remodeling. All it takes to offer this Service to your clients while doing your take-off or estimates. Your relationship and trust with client will out sell any third party led installer thats trying to sell them something. Get it before they do. 

    Installers Signup
    Christmas Lighting Decor

    Are you all ready a permanent led installer or yearly decorative lighting specialist. You already know your business installing lights on rooflines. PixelLights can help you in you sales if your providing high ends system costing 3040 a foot. Having a alternative, better quality @ lower price range will increase sales. It is simple to show your clients a comparison of PixelLights and other competitive systems and how they are installed. 


    But there is a huge difference in quality and time savings you will recognize. (See Products) Installing with lights already in channel saves you ladder time. Not drilling, fitting lights in holes, screwing caps on, splicing and having to add boosters and other components around the house.

    Installers Signup
    Gutter Contractors

    Siding and Gutter Installers this is not a Opportunity you don't want to miss. 

    You are already set up doing the work right where the lights are installed. On the roofline. PixelLights lit cable snaps in the 6 ft channel prepared before coming to the job. Each channel is then screwed under flashing, gutter or under soffits with the same screws in your toolbag. We just take a 3/4 J channel, or modify J with one bend on the break then drill holes. But we have pre drilled Channel/Track available from us. 

    Installers Signup
    Landscape Contractors

    Landscapers are huge in the Christmas Lighting Industry. As winter comes and lawn care slows down. Become a PixelLights installer of permanent Holiday Lighting. Your clients have you mow the lawn and now they don't have to put up lights every year. They will appreciate that. Perfect Add-On for your Business.

    We see this every year, chrirstmas light decor

    Every year in our area they put the lights up, then take them down. We know it is yearly income but what happen when they see the neighbors permanent lights that they see year around. Let them know ahead of time before they make the change.

    Don't miss out add yard lighting next

    Installers Signup
    Painting Contractors

    Permanent Led Lighting is Hot. Get your piece of the action. Most of our work is new construction and has to many call backs and headaches. We painted this home and ask the client if they wanted lights. Yes and soon we did Dads and Sisters house. Not even asking for referrals. But I recommend that you ask anyway. It was my lucky day.


    Our painting business started 3 years ago in one of the fasted growing markets. Utah We did it after having someone do our own home that I knew we could do it. We had the ladders and tools and saw how easy it was to install. The extra money is great without getting so dirty.

    Installers Signup

    NOTE: As the laws change, the requirements of having to have an electrical license are going to drive up costs. By using PixelLights Plug & Play, you could avoid these issues. Keeping you in business.

    Lets Get You Started

    Contact Us

    Give us a call, email us

    Phone: 435-691-5336

     [email protected]

    Schedule a Call Click Here

    Support & Training

    Support and Training every step of the way. How to Estimate, Measure, Layout, Installation, to billing and support. One hour of training you'll be ready for your first install.

    Make Money

    Make more money on installs with Pre drilled channel, Simple Plug n Play, No special tools, No electrical experience needed, Easy connect and wifi controller.

    Quality by Design